Residence From Work Resident
There is a special pathway you can use to get a resident visa, which would not involve a Skilled Migrant visa application. This special plan is called Work to Residence and Residence from work. It allows you to ‘convert’ your work visa into residence within 24 months if you hold a special visa designed for that. Residence from work is a good workaround for those who would not qualify under a Skilled Migrant Category or can not score enough points.
- Live, work and study in New Zealand.
- Pay local education fees for children.
- Subsidized public healthcare
- Access certain social security payments
- Apply for New Zealand citizenship after 5 years
- Be younger than 55 years of age.
- Can include partner and any dependent children up to 24 years old.
- Must meet requirements and have employment from an accredited employer for 24 months in an occupation on tier 2 of the Green List.
- Must meet the minimum English requirements.
- Must meet health and character requirements.