New Zealand Accredited Employer Visa

Accredited Employer Work VisasĀ (AEWV) are designed to developĀ a highly skilled workforce, high quality jobs and workplaces, and high value industries in New Zealand. It is normally granted for 3 years, but in some cases will be granted for 2 years (for example, if the salary is below median wage and there is a sector agreement in place).


  • Live, work and study in New Zealand up to 3 years.
  • Subsidized public healthcare
  • Access certain social security payments
  • Pathway to residency.


  • You must work for an accredited employer who has offered you at least 30 hours a week.
  • You must be suitable qualified by training and experience to do the job.
  • Where the employments is paid below the median wage, you are not subject to stand down period.
  • Your employer has a Job Check number that has not been used to approve another Accredited Employer work visa application.
  • Can include partner and dependent in a separate application.
  • Must meet health and character requirements.

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